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Zwei Sicherheitsdatenblätter der Firma FST GmbH

Safety data sheets

Our safety data sheets contain information on the possible hazards, composition, safety instructions and properties of our desiccant and activated carbon packages.

Activated carbon pellets SEDAPAC A & SEDAFILL ASafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of activated carbon pellets SEDAPAC A & SEDAFILL A as well as safety instructions.
Activated carbon SEDAPAC AN und SEDAFILL ANSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our activated carbon grit for natural gas applications as well as safety instructions.
Carbon molecular sieve SEDAPAC CS and SEDAFILL CSSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our carbon molecular sieve (CMS) as well as safety instructions.
Molecular sieve SEDAPAC MS and SEDAFILL MSSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our molecular sieve (4Å) as well as safety instructions.
molecularsieve SEDAPAC MF and SEDAFILL MFSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our molecular sieve (3Å) as well as safety instructions.
Molecular sieve SEDAPAC MZ and SEDAFILL MZSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our molecular sieve (10Å) as well as safety instructions.
Silica gel SEDAPAC WS and SEDAFILL WSSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our silica gel as well as safety instructions.
Silica gel SEDAPAC N and SEDAFILL NSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our high-performance silica gel as well as safety instructions.
Alumina gel SEDAPAC AA and SEDAFILL AASafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our activated alumina gel as well as safety instructions.
Alumina gel for breathing air systems SEDAPAC AB and SEDAFILL ABSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our activated alumina gel for breathing air applications [link (internal): breathing air systems] as well as safety instructions.
Catalytic granular SEDAPAC CL and SEDAFILL CLSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our catalyst granulate as well as safety instructions. This is used to remove carbon monoxide from compressed air in breathing air applications.
Orange gel SEDAPAC OG and SEDAFILL OGSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our regenerable orange gel as well as safety instructions. It signals moisture by changing colour to green.
Duranit SEDAPAC DN and SEDAFILL DNSafety data sheet with information on substance name, possible hazards, composition and properties of our duranit filling balls as well as safety instructions. Duranit filling balls function as an additional protective layer shielding the actual desiccant or activated carbon from sudden pressure surges or splashing water from beneath.

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